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1856, established in The Toomersville Community of Byron, GA., The Rev. Cromwell was ALLEN'S Founding Pastor! The Founding Generation's original House of Worship stood 120 Years. 1976, a second House of Worship was erected and its spacious addition in 1994. A Nov. 17, 2007 fire destroyed the edifice.
Nov. 18, 2008, the historic Groundbreaking lead by Bishop William P. DeVeaux, Sr., Presiding Elder Alan H. Wicker, Pastor Charlie A. Hicks II, (Byron, GA) City Officials was held. October 17, 2010, ALLEN marched into it's new Peach Parkway (@ 1235 Jones Road) Sanctuary! April, 2015, the Educational, Fellowship & Administrative (Phase II) Wing was completed. Dec. 8, 2018, Bishop Reginald T. Jackson dedicated The Phase III (Gym/Family Life Center's beginning stage/addition).
To date: three Annual Conferences and several statewide, conference-wide and district-wide assemblies have been hosted on this state•of•the•arts campus - to GOD'S Glory!!!
Missionaries address the needs of our community per requests in JESUStyle fashion,
giving HIM all the credit!!!
Sports Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, Youth Ministry, Couples Ministry are a few of ALLEN'S ongoing Ministries that are blossoming, gradually.
The "WORD" is Central!!! "FAITH" is the byword at The Temple!!! ALLEN urges its parishioners to regularly attend the means of Grace/Worship, Church School, Bible Study, Ministry meetings on all AMEC levels, etc. and to be a Tithing/Offering Church (ridding the need for traditional fundraisers and programs disguised for such)!!!
A handful of ALLEN represents The Temple internationally on the Connectional Level, as well as the Episcopal, Conference and PE District Levels.
The Congregation is a mixture of various parishioners ranging from Self-Employed/Business Owners to Master, Specialty and Doctorate Levels Young Adults, Retirees, and locally employed Blue Collar employees.
ALLEN takes special pride in its outreach to Youth thru the Ministries of The YPD, CDMC!!!
"...groWING to be the kind of Church JESUS is returning for!!!"
(The New Greater ALLEN Temple...possibly your new FAITH/Church Family & Church Home...)

Pastor Charlie A. Hicks & First Lady Sandra Hicks

New Greater Allen Temple Gathering

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